Thursday, 31 March 2011

Documentary: How it was edited

Here is a short presentation to display just some of the techniques used to create our project on imovie:

Finished Documentary

Here is the link to our finished Documentary:

Bus Stop Advert

Here is the progression from the first draft of my bus stop advert to the final piece:

Friday, 25 March 2011

Rough Drafts

These are some rough drafts of the idea I have had for my supporting pieces.

Bus Stop Advert:

At the moment this looks very unprofessional and does not relate to the government at all. I will be using a picture of parliament in the background. If I can find a picture with darks clouds, then this will enhance the danger ahead due to the advert. This message is conveyed within our documentary also and therefore I feel this is effective.

Magazine Advert:

This is the start to my magazine advert. As this does not look very professional on publisher, I will be printing it off and taking a picture of it as if it were a real newspaper. I will then edit this on Adobe Photoshop.

Billboard poster:

I need to use more technical skills and therefore will be using Adobe Photoshop to do this properly and more professionally.

I am pleased with all of my documentary ideas as I feel they all incorporate the themes of the internet and the government that are present in the documentary. Although Wikileaks is the main focus of the documentary, the 'what's next?' part of the title implies that we will be talking about other internet websites. For this reason I have not made Wikileaks the main focus of our advertising campaign.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Radio Advert: Planning

For our radio advert, I want to use the same ambiguous technique that I had throughout each of my supporting pieces. In order to do this we didn't directly explain about our documentary as some would. Instead we will use snippets from the interview with Kenneth Clarke along with the music we used. We feel that this will directly engage the audience of our documentary. We plan to have a montage of voices to show how Wikileaks is a very current and talked about issue at the moment. At the end of the audience we will give the relevant details about the date and time of our documentary.

We will be using garageband to make our radio advert.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Supporting Pieces Ideas

As we are making a conspiracy documentary, I wanted to keep the dark theme of it throughout my adverting campaign. To do this effectively I thought that I would make the title of the documentary ambiguous for the audience.

In the Channel 4 adverts that I have seen, many of them ask questions.

This has given me the idea to ask questions relating to my documentary throughout my advertising campaign. This means that the title is ambiguous throughout the pieces which I hope will make the audience more interested. Furthermore, as I am using the theme of the government and internet throughout all of my pieces, as well as giving the information on when and where the documentary can be seen, it will still be clear to the audience that all of the pieces are related.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Supporting Pieces

As part of our coursework, we are going to make 2 supporting pieces. We can choose between;
- An Advertising campaign consisting of a magazine, billboard and bus stop advert
- A radio Advert
- A magazine Interview

I have decided that I will do the advertising campaign on my own and George, Calum and I will all do a radio advert together.

Research for the Supporting Pieces

After looking at real media examples at adverts for my billboard bus stop and magazine adverts, I have noticed a difference in each of them.

Magazine Adverts

Magazine adverts tend to be more detailed than those seen on billboards. This means that I need to make sure that my magazine advert contains the most information as readers will have more time to take it all in, something they would be unable to do passing by a bus stop or billboard advert.

Bus Stop Adverts

Bus stop adverts tend to have varying amounts of information on them. Although some have quite a lot of word on them, as seen in the above pictures, some have barely any writing. Despite this, they are still less detailed than magazine adverts. I thought that the most effective bus stop adverts that I saw during my research were those that had less writing and detail on them. For this reason I'm going to keep the information and detail on my bus stop advert limited.

Billboard Adverts

Billboard adverts have hardly any writing on them. Generally, one of the main focuses seems to be the channel on which the documentary will play. These adverts consist of big pictures with limited text and for this reason, I will use a limited amount of text with big pictures. Any text I do use will be large so that it is clear and noticeable.

Thank You Letter

Here is the thank you letter that we sent to Kenneth Clarke:

Kenneth Clarke Interview

We travelled to Nottingham where Kenneth Clarke's political surgery takes place. We took three camera's including George's HD SLR camera. We thought that the high definition would make our documentary look more professional, however, as not all of our documentary is shot in this high quality, we do not know if it will stand out too much. My role was to interview Kenneth Clarke asking him questions that our group had previously decided on. George used the SLR camera to film the main interview and one camera was left on a tripod recording me asking the questions. Finally, Calum used a smaller, lower quality camera to film fill shots such as hand movements.

Unfortunately we were unable to upload the whole interview with Kenneth Clarke to Youtube as we agreed that it's content would only be used for our documentary.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Here are some samples of some of the music we have been thinking about using for our documentary. As our documentary deals with conspiracy theories such as Julian Assange's sexual assault charges being created in order to silence him, we have chosen a dark and intense theme for our documentary. We felt that this would help to create drama and suspense for our audience.

Examples of this can be found by following the link below:

'FarhanK501' will be our main source of music as, throughout all of his youtube pieces, he uses a dark theme of music that we feel will engage our viewer.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

News Reports

We wanted to make our documentary engaging for the audience and decided that news montages would be a good way to do this. The Wikileaks website has recently had a lot of involvement in many news stories so this footage has not been hard to find. Furthermore, we have added some reports from American news channels that imply that Julian Assange should be put to death. This will show our audience the major effect of the Wikileaks news story and the serious implications that it has had for some governments in a dramatic and engaging way.

This news montage can be found below: