Tuesday, 5 April 2011


As the final part of my project, I have made an Evaluation in the form of a powerpoint presentation. This can be found below:

Monday, 4 April 2011


Here is the link to a Prezi I made to show the different media products I used:


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Supporting Pieces - How they were made

Here is a presentation to show some of the techniques I used in order to create my supporting pieces in the advertising campaign:

Advertising Campaign

Here are my finished supporting pieces:

Magazine Advert

(For a double page advert)

(For a single page advert)

Bus Stop Advert

Billboard Advert

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Audience Feedback

After showing our documentary to a wide range of people, including members of our media class, we asked them for some feedback. This included what they liked about the documentary and what they thought could be improved. The feedback that they gave us can be found at the link below:


From this it is clear that the main points that people liked about our documentary are:

- The variety of music and shots
- The topic of Wikileaks and the government's control over the internet
- The opening sequence of our documentary

It is also clear that the main points of improvement are:

- Difference in camera quality
- Varying sound
- Shaky shots

If I were to make the documentary again, I would make sure that we could use a tripod (for example on the Boardwalk in London). This would make our shots less shaky. I would also use a microphone to get rid of background noise making the sound clearer. Finally I would use one camera throughout the whole documentary, even if that meant compromising on quality.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Documentary: How it was edited

Here is a short presentation to display just some of the techniques used to create our project on imovie:

Finished Documentary

Here is the link to our finished Documentary:


Bus Stop Advert

Here is the progression from the first draft of my bus stop advert to the final piece:

Friday, 25 March 2011

Rough Drafts

These are some rough drafts of the idea I have had for my supporting pieces.

Bus Stop Advert:

At the moment this looks very unprofessional and does not relate to the government at all. I will be using a picture of parliament in the background. If I can find a picture with darks clouds, then this will enhance the danger ahead due to the advert. This message is conveyed within our documentary also and therefore I feel this is effective.

Magazine Advert:

This is the start to my magazine advert. As this does not look very professional on publisher, I will be printing it off and taking a picture of it as if it were a real newspaper. I will then edit this on Adobe Photoshop.

Billboard poster:

I need to use more technical skills and therefore will be using Adobe Photoshop to do this properly and more professionally.

I am pleased with all of my documentary ideas as I feel they all incorporate the themes of the internet and the government that are present in the documentary. Although Wikileaks is the main focus of the documentary, the 'what's next?' part of the title implies that we will be talking about other internet websites. For this reason I have not made Wikileaks the main focus of our advertising campaign.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Radio Advert: Planning

For our radio advert, I want to use the same ambiguous technique that I had throughout each of my supporting pieces. In order to do this we didn't directly explain about our documentary as some would. Instead we will use snippets from the interview with Kenneth Clarke along with the music we used. We feel that this will directly engage the audience of our documentary. We plan to have a montage of voices to show how Wikileaks is a very current and talked about issue at the moment. At the end of the audience we will give the relevant details about the date and time of our documentary.

We will be using garageband to make our radio advert.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Supporting Pieces Ideas

As we are making a conspiracy documentary, I wanted to keep the dark theme of it throughout my adverting campaign. To do this effectively I thought that I would make the title of the documentary ambiguous for the audience.

In the Channel 4 adverts that I have seen, many of them ask questions.

This has given me the idea to ask questions relating to my documentary throughout my advertising campaign. This means that the title is ambiguous throughout the pieces which I hope will make the audience more interested. Furthermore, as I am using the theme of the government and internet throughout all of my pieces, as well as giving the information on when and where the documentary can be seen, it will still be clear to the audience that all of the pieces are related.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Supporting Pieces

As part of our coursework, we are going to make 2 supporting pieces. We can choose between;
- An Advertising campaign consisting of a magazine, billboard and bus stop advert
- A radio Advert
- A magazine Interview

I have decided that I will do the advertising campaign on my own and George, Calum and I will all do a radio advert together.

Research for the Supporting Pieces

After looking at real media examples at adverts for my billboard bus stop and magazine adverts, I have noticed a difference in each of them.

Magazine Adverts

Magazine adverts tend to be more detailed than those seen on billboards. This means that I need to make sure that my magazine advert contains the most information as readers will have more time to take it all in, something they would be unable to do passing by a bus stop or billboard advert.

Bus Stop Adverts

Bus stop adverts tend to have varying amounts of information on them. Although some have quite a lot of word on them, as seen in the above pictures, some have barely any writing. Despite this, they are still less detailed than magazine adverts. I thought that the most effective bus stop adverts that I saw during my research were those that had less writing and detail on them. For this reason I'm going to keep the information and detail on my bus stop advert limited.

Billboard Adverts

Billboard adverts have hardly any writing on them. Generally, one of the main focuses seems to be the channel on which the documentary will play. These adverts consist of big pictures with limited text and for this reason, I will use a limited amount of text with big pictures. Any text I do use will be large so that it is clear and noticeable.

Thank You Letter

Here is the thank you letter that we sent to Kenneth Clarke:

Kenneth Clarke Interview

We travelled to Nottingham where Kenneth Clarke's political surgery takes place. We took three camera's including George's HD SLR camera. We thought that the high definition would make our documentary look more professional, however, as not all of our documentary is shot in this high quality, we do not know if it will stand out too much. My role was to interview Kenneth Clarke asking him questions that our group had previously decided on. George used the SLR camera to film the main interview and one camera was left on a tripod recording me asking the questions. Finally, Calum used a smaller, lower quality camera to film fill shots such as hand movements.

Unfortunately we were unable to upload the whole interview with Kenneth Clarke to Youtube as we agreed that it's content would only be used for our documentary.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Here are some samples of some of the music we have been thinking about using for our documentary. As our documentary deals with conspiracy theories such as Julian Assange's sexual assault charges being created in order to silence him, we have chosen a dark and intense theme for our documentary. We felt that this would help to create drama and suspense for our audience.

Examples of this can be found by following the link below:

'FarhanK501' will be our main source of music as, throughout all of his youtube pieces, he uses a dark theme of music that we feel will engage our viewer.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

News Reports

We wanted to make our documentary engaging for the audience and decided that news montages would be a good way to do this. The Wikileaks website has recently had a lot of involvement in many news stories so this footage has not been hard to find. Furthermore, we have added some reports from American news channels that imply that Julian Assange should be put to death. This will show our audience the major effect of the Wikileaks news story and the serious implications that it has had for some governments in a dramatic and engaging way.

This news montage can be found below:

Monday, 28 February 2011

London Interviews

Here are some of the interviews with passers by in London:

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Kenneth Clarke

As part of our documentary we wanted to interview a well known politician to make our documentary more engaging and interesting for the audience. We have managed to get an interview with Kenneth Clarke, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice during one of his political surgeries. We have agreed to use the interview as part of our A Level coursework only and therefore are unable to upload it to youtube.

Kenneth Clarke has been in politics for just over 40 years and has held the following roles during his time:

MP for Rushcliffe, 1970 -
PPS to the Solicitor-General, January 1971 - April 1972
Assistant Government Whip, April 1972 - February 1974
Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury, January 1974 - February 1974
Opposition Social Security Front Bench Spokesman, June 1974 - November 1976
Opposition Industry Spokesman, November 1976 - May 1979
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Transport, May 1979 - March 1982
Minister for Health, March 1982 - September 1985
Entered Cabinet as Paymaster General and Minister for Employment, September 1985 - June 1987
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for Trade & Industry, June 1987 - July 1988
Secretary of State for Health, July 1988 - November 1990
Secretary of State for Education and Science, November 1990 - April 1992
Home Secretary, April 1992 - May 1993
Chancellor of the Exchequer, May 1993 - May 1997
Shadow Secretary of State for Business, January 2009 - May 2010
Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, May 2010

We thought that Kenneth Clarke was a good choice for the politician we would use in our documentary as he has had a lot of experience within the government and currently specialises in the justice system. This would allow us to ask questions about Julian Assange's sexual assault charges as well as the availability of the internet in prisons.

Friday, 25 February 2011


George, Calum and myself went to London to film the opening shots and fill shots of our documentary. We filmed outside Parliament and on South bank with the Houses of Parliament in the background. We felt that this linked well to the theme of governments that is predominant in our documentary.

I was in front of the camera and asked passers by questions about the Wikileaks news story. These questions included:

What do you know about the Wikileaks news story?
What do you know about the sexual assault charges that Julian Assange faces?
Do you agree with these charges or do you think governments may be making these up to keep Julian silenced?
Do you think the Wikileaks news story shows that the government has lost control?
What effect do you think these leaks have had?

Calum and George filmed these questions being asked. George filmed the main interview whilst Calum used another camera to film some fill shots such as long shots and close ups of hands.

After the interviews, we filmed the opening of our documentary. The script for this part of the documentary can be found below:

With over 1 billion people exposed to the internet world wide and a massive 79% of all websites being created by the public, it is no wonder that governments' control over the world wide web has been questioned.
Take a look at one of the most prominent stories in the news today; with over 600 000 followers on twitter, 250 000 leaked cables and 40 million unique hits a month, it is no wonder that Wikileaks has shaken the foundations of governments' world wide. But have these recent breaches finally caused governments to loose control over the internet and its users?

Whilst filming this section of the documentary, Alistair Darling walked past us. As our documentary was about governments, we took the opportunity to try to ask him some questions. Unfortunately, Darling was not willing to give us an interview and we were unable to film the encounter.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wikileaks Documentary

This week, a Wikileaks documentary was shown on BBC's Panorama. I watched this documentary in order to see some of the techniques that had been used for a documentary using the same topic as ours.

The link to this documentary can be seen below:

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Storyboard for our documentary

Here is the storyboard for our documentary:

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Background Information on Wikileaks

Here is some research that I have done in relation to Wikileaks and the government's control over the internet:

Media: The Internet lost control? Wikileaks

Julian Assange – History
• Founder, spokesperson and editor and chief of wikileaks
• In his youth hacked under the name of ‘Mendax’
• Believes in Freedom of press, censorship and investigative journalism
• US considered charges to do with the leaks however were told it would be hard to prosecute him
• Arrested on 7th December 2010 for alleged sexual offences

Wikileaks Story
• Founded in 2006
• Documents leaked onto the site include: extrajudicial killings in Kenya, a report of toxic waste dumping on the African coast, Church of Scientology manuals, Guantanamo Bay procedures, the 12 July 2007 Baghdad airstrike video
• Approximately 251 000 American cables only 1295 released
• Temporary suspension of the site after information was released

• Subpoena received by Twitter to effectively entailed the collection for criminal prosecution of the personal identifying information of over 600 000 followers of Wikileaks

Sexual Assault allegations
• In June 2010 pentagon officials were looking for Assange because what he was about to release could "puts his well-being, his physical life, in some danger now."
• 20th August 2010 Swedish police open investigation about Assange alleged sexual offences against two women aged 31 and 26
• Daily telegraph report: Julian Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks website, could be sent to the Guantánamo Bay detention camp or even executed in the US if he is extradited to Sweden, his lawyers have warned.
• Stockholm's chief prosecutor Eva Finne reviewed the case and dropped the rape investigation, saying there was insufficient evidence to suggest rape
• On 6 December 2010 European arrest warrant is released
• 7th December handed himself in to met police
• Granted bail on 16th and placed under house arrest with bail set at £240 000
• No charges against him have been filed by Swedish authories… yet!

Julian Assange death penalties – many people in America have implied that Julian Assange should face the death penalty for releasing American government information. Footage of this would be good to use as part of our archive footage.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Global Warming Introduction

This is some of the opening scene of our Global Warming documentary. We filmed me introducing the documentary whilst walking in a circle. To make this more interesting we wanted to have the seasons change as I walk around showing fog, as seen above, as well as snow rain and sun. This directly relates to global warming as it shows the changing weather as well as creating a more interesting introduction that engages the audience more.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

New Idea

Before coming up with the idea of The Internet and Wikileaks Calum, George and myself had decided on a documentary on Phobias. At first I agreed with this idea, however, as we discussed our ideas for it in more depth I saw that Calum and George were leaning towards more of a mockumentary style which is one that I was keen to avoid. Our group didn't see eye to eye and the lack of unity with the idea put pressure on us. For this reason we decided to come up with an idea that we could all work with and agree on; the Internet and Wikileaks.


George's main focus was a documentary that wasn't boring to the audience. He wanted a topic that would engage the audience and for this reason leaned towards something that would make the audience laugh.


Calum's main focus was a documentary that was slightly less conventional. He wanted a style that would make the documentary stand out from others in order to engage the audience.


My main focus was a documentary that dealt with a strong, up to date issue. I wanted a topic that would be serious and hard hitting as well as coming from a story that was current in the news at the time. I felt that this would be most engaging for the audience as it dealt with up to date issues.

When we sat down together and discussed what we all wanted from the documentary we were able to come up with the Internet and Wikileaks. This fitted into everyone's main focus as the topic chosen interested all three of us and, filmed in the right way, could potentially gain interest from all types of audiences; the topic allowed us to use unconventional editing techniques in order to create an original style of documentary that would engage the audience; finally, it is an up to date topic that has been all over the news in recent weeks, which means it is a topic that would naturally provoke a lot of interest within the audience.

New Documentary Idea

Today Calum, George and myself decided to change our project again. We feel that we have finally come to a decision that we all agree on and that will produce and interesting and engaging documentary.